Today, we had lunch together at home. There were many brothers and sisters from the congregation who joined us. It was exciting, well it's been a while since last time we had this kind of stuff, but hey, that's not all!
There were five cute, and smart girls from abroad - Guangzhou?; I am not sure, I can't pronounce it right -let alone, spell? lol. Anyway, mbak Dani (Joey) brought them to our sunday meeting the other day and my mom happened to invite them to today's lunch. Well, they did come. AND that was COOL.
I love meeting new people (otherwise you won't find me typing this long in this blog) and I don't meet new people often [well, you know, my routine keeps me busy all the time, i hardly have time to hang out with anyone. shoot, i hate it].
So, there they were. Maria (curious and friendly. *ah), Sasya (the explicative girl. lol), Fajar (so cute. trust me.), Amalia (hmm. thoughtful.) and Saskia (she really loves eating. but hey, who doesn't!). I figure they're probably nicknames they made up for themselves.Yet, they are smart and cute.
I really wish I could keep in touch with them even after the lunch. It's just awesome; but perhaps, they just see me as another local people not worth remembering. I mean, I often forget important people's names (and sometimes, faces); there are more reasons than not for this group of cute and smart girls to just knock me out off their memories. lol.